Category: E

  • Epizootic

    Any disease in animals which diffuses itself widely. The term corresponds to the word epidemic as applied to human beings. In plague, for example, an epizootic in rats usually precedes the epidemic in human beings. Any disease of animals that becomes epidemic.  

  • Epirubicin

    A cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic drug used in the treatment of solid tumours, acute leukaemia and lymphomas. It is related structurally to doxorubicin and is given intravenously, or by instillation into the urinary bladder to treat bladder cancer under specialist supervision.  

  • Epignathus

    Maldevelopment of the fetus in which the deformed remains of one twin are united to the upper jaw of the other.  

  • Epicanthic fold

    A vertical skinfold that runs from the upper eyelid to the side of the nose. These folds are normal in oriental races but uncommon in others, although babies may have a temporary fold that disappears. Such folds are present in people with down’s syndrome. An epicanthic fold is a vertical stretch of skin that extends…

  • Environment and health

    Environment and Health concerns those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by physical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment. The promotion of good health requires not only public policies which support health, but also the creation of supportive environments in which living and working conditions are safe, stimulating…

  • Embryo research

    When a woman is treated for infertility it is necessary to nurture human embryos for a few days (until the first cell divisions of the fertilized egg have occurred) in a specialized laboratory. More eggs are fertilized than are usually needed because not all fertilizations are successful. Surplus embryos may be frozen for use in…

  • Electrical injuries

    These are usually caused by the passage through the body of an electric current of high voltage owing to accidental contact with a live wire or to a discharge of lightning. The general effects produced are included under the term electric shock, but vary greatly in degree. The local effects include spasmodic contraction of muscles,…

  • Echoviruses

    Echoviruses, of which there are more than 30 known types, occur in all parts of the world. Their full name is Enteric Cytopathogenic Human Orphan (ECHO -— hence the prefix). They are more common in children than in adults, and have been responsible for outbreaks of meningitis, common-cold-like illnesses, gastrointestinal infections, and infections of the…

  • Ebola virus disease

    Ebola virus disease is another name for viral haemorrhagic fever. The ebola virus is one of the most virulent micro-organisms known. Like the marburg virus, it belongs to the filovirus group which originates in Africa. Increased population mobility and wars have meant that the infection occasionally occurs elsewhere, with air travellers developing symptoms on returning…

  • External insulin infusion pump

    A device for injecting insulin for diabetic patients in a treatment method called continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII).