Category: E
Ear dust
Fine calcified bodies found in the gelatinous substance of the otolithic membrane of the ear; otoconium or otoliths.
Excretory duct
Any duct that conveys a waste product from an organ, such as the collecting duct of the renal tubule.
Equianalgesic dose
A dose of one form of analgesic drug equivalent in pain-relieving effect to another analgesic. In pain control, this equivalence permits substitution of one analgesic to avoid undesired side effects from another.
Epiphyseal disk
A disk of cartilage at the junction of the diaphysis and epiphyses of growing long bones. Cartilage synthesis provides for growth in length; eventually the cartilage is replaced by bone.
Excess disability
The discrepancy that exists when a person’s functional limitations are greater than those warranted by the objective degree of impairment. Often excess disability is created by attitudes and policies that create barriers to a disabled person’s full participation.
Extracellular digestion
Digestion outside a cell, as of tissue by bacterial enzymes (toxins).
Evolution diet
An eating plan consisting of high fiber nutrients (with little sugar) taken in small portions throughout the day; it is thought to represent the observed eating habits of primates and of humans in the evolutionary past.
Elemental diet
A predigested liquid diet consisting of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and glucose.
Epidemic diarrhea in the newborn
Contagious diarrhea in a newborn caused by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, occurring in epidemics in hospitals.
External conjugate diameter
The anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic inlet measured externally; the distance from the skin over the upper part of the symphysis pubis to the skin over a point corresponding to the sacral promontory.