Category: D
Abnormal colorations of the skin that accompany many skin disorders and systemic disorders.
Dry shampoo
Shampoo that cleanses the hair without the use of soap and water.
Double-rod wrap
A wrap technique whereby extra-long hair is wrapped on one rod from the scalp to midway down the hair shaft, and another rod is used to wrap the remaining hair strand in the same direction.
Double-process application
A coloring technique requiring two separate procedures in which the hair is pre-lightened before the depositing color is applied to the hair.
Double press
Technique of passing a hot curling iron through the hair before performing a hard press.
Double flat wrap
Perm wrap in which one end paper is placed under and another is placed over the strand of hair being wrapped.
Disposable implements
Implements that cannot be reused and must be thrown away after a single use.
Discolored nails
Nails turn a variety of colors; may indicate surface staining, a systemic disorder, or poor blood circulation.
Directional line
Lines with a definite forward or backward movement.
Dimethyl urea hardeners
A hardener that adds cross-links to the natural nail plate. Unlike hardeners containing formaldehyde, DMU does not cause adverse skin reactions.