Category: D
Desensitization theory
A theory that mantra meditation achieves its beneficial effects by counterconditioning disturbing thoughts and images that drift in and out of consciousness.
Demand-withdraw pattern
A destructive interaction pattern identified by Gottman and Gottman in which demands from one party ultimately lead to withdrawal and stonewalling from the other party.
Deep relaxation strategies
Strategies like progressive relaxation, autogenics, and guided imagery that one can employ to reduce diffuse physiological arousal.
A mindfulness practice of becoming less reactive to one’s inner experiences because the mind’s activity is observed and the thoughts are seen as outside the center of the self.
Dilatation and evaculation
A surgical procedure and abortion method in which the cervix is dilated and the contents of the uterus are removed (evacuated). It is normally performed during the second trimester.
Diabetes disorder
Blood-sugar levels are too high either because the body can’t produce enough insulin or because it can’t use it effectively.
Dysfunctional living
Situation in which an individual is unable to perform activities required for daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating.
Developmental stretch
The last segment of an activity session (usually considered part of the cool-down), in which flexibility exercises are used to reduce tension and elongate muscles.
Drug effect
The physical and mental response to a drug’s action.
Double-blind clinical study
A study in which none of the participants, including experimental subjects, examining doctors, attending nurses, or any other research staff, know who is taking the test drug and who is taking a control or placebo agent. The purpose of this research design is to avoid inadvertent bias of the test results. In all studies, procedures…