Category: D

  • Dermagraphism

    Condition where hives are produced by scratches or touching the skin.  

  • Depigmentation


    White patches of skin due to loss of melanocytes. Also called hypo-pigmentation, this congenital or acquired disorder is one in which the skin loses its pigmentation because of reduced melanin production. It can be classified into three groups: vitiligo, albinism and post-inflammatory hypopigmentation. The pathological loss of normal pigment, as in vitiligo.  

  • Deoxyhemoglobin

    Hemoglobin that is lacking oxygen. Chemically reduced (deoxygenated) hemoglobin.  

  • Deoxygenated

    Without sufficient oxygen.  

  • Degenerative joint disease

    Loss of articular cartilage due to aging and cumulative injury to a joint.  

  • Deep tendon reflex

    Neurological response to percussion of tendons which produces muscular contraction as demonstrated by the patellar and Achilles reflexes. An automatic motor response elicited by stimulating stretch receptors in subcutaneous tissues surrounding joints and tendons. The assessment of DTRs typically is made by striking a tendon (e.g., Achilles, patellar, biceps, triceps, or brachioradialis tendons) with a…

  • Decorticate posturing

    Physical sign of pathology in the corticospinal tracts characterized by flexion of the arms and legs.  

  • Decerebrate rigidity

    Particular body position caused by a lesion of the upper brain stem; characterized by rigid extension of limbs, internal rotation of the arms, and notable plantar flexion of the feet. Sustained contraction of the extensor muscles of the limbs resulting from a lesion in the brainstem between the superior colliculi and the vestibular nuclei.  

  • Decerebrate posturing

    Physical presentation of rigid extension of the trunk, arms, hands, legs, and feet; associated with lesions of the brain stem.  

  • De Lange’s syndrome

    Congenital disorder characterized by mental retardation, small head, small stature, generalized failure to thrive, and hirsutism.