Category: D
Dista equinus
Limited ability to dorsiflex the foot; associated with clubfoot. Away from the center or point of origin.
Dissociated nystagmus
Rhythmic movements of the eyes where the movements differ in directions, rate, and severity. Nystagmus in one eye that is not synchronized with that in the other eye.
Displaced fracture
When broken bone ends are pulled out of their normal anatomical alignment.
Disorganized schizophrenia
A severe thought disorder characterized by incoherent thought processes, inappropriate affect, silly and childlike mannerisms, but without delusions.
Discoid lupus erythematosus
Autoimmune disease of connective tissue. A form of lupus that most commonly causes red, round plaques (patches of thick raised skin) on the face, scalp,-or ears. Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that is less severe than systemic lupus erythematosus. It occurs when an unknown trigger causes the immune system to attack…
Dilation and extraction
Dilation of the cervix and removal of the products of conception.
Dilated funduscopy
procedure to examine the posterior cavity using mydriatic eyedrops to dilate the pupil (a process known as cycloplegia).
An abnormal, excessive, C- or S-shaped lateral curvature of the spine.
Skin infections caused by fungi.
Skin graft of tissue taken from another area of the patient’s body.