Category: D

  • Dexamethasone suppression test

    A test performed by giving dexamethasone, then taking blood samples to differentiate between cancer and other types of growths on the adrenal glands. The test can sometimes also determine the presence of mental depression. A test performed by administering dexamethasone to determine the effect on cortisol production. This is done as part of the diagnostic…

  • Defibrillate

    A process (machine) that is used to restart the heartbeat in situations where the heart has stopped due to trauma, illness, or other causes.  

  • Darkfield examination

    A test to diagnose syphilis during the first (primary) stage of the disease.  

  • Dyschromia

    Abnormal color of skin due to disease, radiotherapy, or cytotoxic drugs. Condition in which the eyes do not move in tandem.  

  • Dysboulia

    Difficulty focusing on a task; poor concentration or thinking ability.  

  • Duodenorrhaphy

    Suturing of the duodenum.  

  • Duodenocholangitis

    Inflammation of the duodenum and common bile duct.  

  • Duodenal

    Pertaining to the duodenum. The term “duodenum” refers to the initial segment of the small intestine, which is situated immediately after the stomach. It plays a significant role in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.  

  • Dorsodynia

    Pain in the upper muscles of the back.  

  • Dorsalis pedis

    Dorsalis pedis

    Pulse found on the top surface of the foot.