Category: D

  • Dithionite test

    A test done on whole blood to determine the presence of sickle cells.  

  • Disk diffusion test

    A test done on blood to determine the susceptibility of a patient’s infectious organisms to an anti-infective drug.  

  • Discogram

    A radiographic record of an intervertebral disc (a round piece of cartilage separating spinal vertebrae) done to diagnose such conditions as herniation.  

  • Diplococci

    A type of cocci (bacteria) found in pairs. Spherical bacteria that grown in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia. Streptococceae genus bacteria that remain coupled.  

  • Diodrast clearance

    The rate at which the kidneys remove Diodrast, an injected test substance, from the blood or at which the kidneys excrete Diodrast into the urine; it is measured to evaluate kidney function.  

  • Dinitrochlorbenzene test

    A skin test done to determine immune responses. Abnormal reactions (little or no reactions) may indicate deficient immune responses.  

  • Digital subtraction echocardiography

    An x-ray procedure using computerized techniques and ultra-sound to diagnose various heart problems.  

  • Differential stain

    A stain that allows distinction between various groups of microorganisms. In bacteriology, a stain such as Gram’s stain that enables one to distinguish different types of bacteria.  

  • Diacetic acid

    A ketone body produced in certain metabolic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes; also known as acetoacetic acid. Acetoacetic acid, found in acidosis and in the urine of diabetic persons. Like acetone, it is found in uncontrolled diabetes and in any condition that produces starvation and excessive fat metabolism, such as persistent vomiting.  

  • Dextrostix

    Commercially prepared materials used by a diabetic to test his or her blood sugar level.