Category: D

  • E.coli diarrhea

    Escherichia coli (E. coli) diarrhea, frequent, liquid bowel movements caused by E. coli bacteria, which normally inhabit the digestive tract of humans without harm. However, a strain of E. coli (enterohemorrhagic) that is most commonly associated with contaminated hamburger meat causes bloody diarrhea and sometimes death. Another type of E. coli bacteria is responsible for…

  • Diaphragm muscle

    The large sheet of muscle that divides the chest (thorax) from the abdomen and provides most of the power that moves air in and out of the lungs. The diaphragm is attached to the spine, ribs, and sternum, forming the floor of the chest cavity. In a resting position, the diaphragm curves up into the…

  • Dialysis machine

    Also known as an artificial kidney, dialyzer, or hemodialyzer; a machine used for dialysis that takes over the function of the kidneys when they are unable to filter toxic waste products from the blood. If the kidneys fail, toxic substances in the blood can accumulate and cause ureimia, which, if untreated, leads to death. Dialysis…

  • Detoxification programs

    A medical process, usually in a hospital setting, in which a person addicted to alcohol or drugs is withdrawn from the addictive substance under the care of a physician. Detoxification is not a treatment for the addiction; rather, it is designed to manage the serious, even fatal physiological effects of stopping drug use, such as…

  • Dermatophyte infections

    Infections such as jock itch and athlete’s foot caused by moldlike fungi (dermatophytes). Dermatophytosis, also known as tinea or commonly referred to as ringworm, encompasses a collection of widespread fungal infections that impact the skin, hair, and nails.  

  • Dental dam

    A barrier device commonly used in dental procedures that may also be used during oral sexual activity to prevent possible transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The use of a dental dam is recommended by health professionals for use during oral-vaginal sex, oral- penile sex, or oral-anal sex. The use of dental dams has not…

  • Defoliant poisoning

    The effects of exposure to herbicide defoliant chemicals on animals and humans. Exposure to defoliants, especially Agent Orange, has been linked to chemical acne, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, and soft-tissue sarcoma. Defoliants refer to plant poisons that induce the shedding of leaves and foliage. These substances are toxic if ingested. Sodium chlorate, potassium chlorate, phenoxy…

  • Decongestant drugs

    Drugs used to relieve nasal congestion. Decongestants are widely available in many forms to treat a congested (stuffy) nose typical of colds and allergies. Decongestants relieve only a stuffy nose and are not effective against other symptoms of colds or allergies. Decongestants cannot cure colds. Medications utilized to alleviate nasal congestion are commonly administered to…

  • Decompression sickness

    The health problems caused by nitrogen bubbles in a scuba diver’s bloodstream, which can block the flow of blood. Decompression sickness, also called “the bends,” usually results from an ascent to the surface of the water that is too rapid to allow the release of excess nitrogen absorbed with oxygen during the descent into the…

  • Date rape

    Sexual contact that is forced on a person who is acquainted with the rapist. Date rape, also known as acquaintance rape, is most common among women between the ages of 16 and 24 years. The use of alcohol and drugs also can be a factor, especially when the man puts drugs in a woman’s drink…