Category: D

  • Dental papilla

    The group of embryological cells that develops into the dentine and pulp of a tooth. It contains odontoblasts and is capped by the enamel organ. A mass of connective tissue that becomes enclosed by the developing enamel organ. It gives rise to dentin and dental pulp.  

  • Dental auxiliary

    Any of various assistants to the dental surgeon in active practice. A dental hygienist is concerned with general preventive service. A dental surgery assistant helps the dental surgeon at the chairside by mixing fillings and handing him instruments. A dental technician makes various forms of prostheses (dentures, bridges, etc.) for fitting by the dental surgeon.…

  • Demodex

    A genus of harmless parasitic mites, the follicle mites, found in the hair follicles and associated sebaceous glands of the face. They resemble tiny worms, about 0.4 mm in length, and their presence may give rise to dermatitis. A genus of mites of the class Arachnida and order Acarina.  

  • Demethylchlortetracycline

    An antibiotic that is active against a wide range of bacteria and is used to treat various infections. It is administered by mouth; common side-effects are nausea, diarrhea, and symptoms resulting from the growth of organisms not sensitive to the drug.  

  • Demand pull theory

    A theory used to explain increases in the cost of health care. It is based on the premise that rising incomes of patients and the growth of health insurance in the US results in greater purchasing power and, hence, demand for health care, which is in relatively limited supply. Compare labor cost-push theory.  

  • Deferoxamine

    A drug that combines with iron in body tissues and fluids and is used to treat iron poisoning (including that resulting from prolonged or constant blood transfusion, as for thalassemia), diseases involving iron storage in parts of the body, and for the diagnosis of such diseases. It is administered by mouth, injection, or as eye…

  • Declive

    An area of the upper surface of the cerebellum, posterior to the oilmen and anterior to the folium of the middle lobe.  

  • Decipara

    A woman who has been pregnant at least ten times and has given birth to a child capable of survival after each of ten pregnancies. A woman who has given birth for the tenth time to an infant or infants, alive or dead, weighing 500 g or more.  

  • Decerebration

    The removal of the higher centers of the brain or cutting across the brain below the cerebrum so that cerebral functions are eliminated. This procedure is carried out on experimental animals, but certain injuries to the brain in man may cause the same severe neurological signs as occur in an animal that has been decerebrated.…

  • Debrisoquine

    A potent drug used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). It is administered by mouth; common side-effects are nausea, headache, sweating, and general malaise.