Category: D

  • Disopyramide

    A parasympatholytic drug used to treat various heart conditions involving abnormal heart rates. It is administered by mouth; side-effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, difficulty in urination, and digestive upsets may occur. An antiarrhythmic drug given by intravenous injection after myocardial infarction to restore supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias to normal, particularly when patients have…

  • Disomus

    A double-bodied fetal monster with a single head.  

  • Disimpaction

    The process of separating the broken ends of a bone when they have been forcibly driven together during a fracture. Traction may be required to keep the bone ends separate but in good alignment.  

  • Discission

    An operation for cataract in which the front of the lens capsule is cut extensively by a fine knife or needle inserted through the edge of the cornea. Subsequently the lens is absorbed naturally into the surrounding fluid of the eye. It is usually necessary to perform capsulotomy later. The term applied to an operation…

  • Dipyridamole

    A drug that dilates the blood vessels of the heart. It is used to treat reduced heart activity and is given by mouth or injection. It may cause headache, stomach upsets, and dizziness. A medication that diminishes the adhesive properties of platelets in the bloodstream, thereby aiding in the prevention of the development of anomalous…

  • Dipylidium

    A genus of tapeworms. D. caninum, a common parasite of the small intestine of dogs and cats, occasionally infects man but usually produces no obvious symptoms. Fleas are the intermediate hosts, and children in close contact with pets become infected on ingesting fleas harboring the parasite. A genus of tapeworms belonging to the family Dipylidiae…

  • Diptera

    A large group of insects, including mosquitoes, gnats, midges, house flies and tsetse flies, that possess a single pair of wings. The mouthparts of many species, e.g. mosquitoes and tsetse flies, are specialized for sucking blood; these forms are important in the transmission of disease. An order of insects characterized by sucking or piercing mouth…

  • Diprosopus

    A fetal monster with a single trunk and normal limbs but with some degree of duplication of the face.  

  • Diprophylline

    A drug that relaxes bronchial muscle and stimulates heart muscle. It is used to relieve symptoms in asthma and bronchitis and to treat congestive heart failure. It is administered by mouth, injection, or in suppositories and may cause nausea and vomiting, headache, palpitations, and dizziness, especially following injection.  

  • Diplotene

    The fourth stage in the first prophase of meiosis, in which crossing over occurs between the paired chromatids of homologous chromosomes, which then begin to separate.