Category: D

  • Dura

    The thickest and outermost of the three meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It consists of two closely adherent layers, the outer of which is identical with the periosteum of the skull. The inner dura extends downward between the cerebral hemispheres to form the falx cerebri and forward between the cerebrum and cerebellum to…

  • Drostanolone

    A synthetic male sex hormone used in the treatment of breast cancer, often in conjunction with other drug treatment or surgery. It is administered by injection and with prolonged use may cause such side-effects as growth of hair and deepening of the voice.  

  • Dromomania

    A pathologically strong impulse to travel, which is said to be present in some vagabonds. An uncontrolled impulse to wander.  

  • Drastic

    Any agent causing a major change in a body system or function, e.g. strong laxatives. Excessively vigorous; said in the past of some medications.  

  • Dorsoventral

    Extending from the back (dorsal) surface to the front (ventral) surface. Concerning the back and frontal surfaces of the body.  

  • Domiphen

    An antiseptic administered in the form of lozenges to treat bacterial and fungal infections of the mouth and throat. It is also used in solution for cleansing wounds and bums, for treating fungal infections of the skin, and for general disinfection of skin and mucous membranes.  

  • Dolor

    One of the classical signs of inflammation in a tissue, the other three being calor (heat), rubor (redness), and tumor (swelling). The pain in inflammation is thought to be due to the release of chemicals from damaged cells. This is one of the principal indications of inflammation. The others are rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), functio…

  • Divaricator

    A scissor like surgical instrument used to divide portions of tissue into two separate parts during an operation.  

  • Divagation

    Rambling discursive thought and speech. It is not specific to any one psychiatric condition.  

  • Dithiazanine

    An anthelmintic drug used to treat certain worm infestations. It is administered by mouth and stains the stools bluish-green. Other side-effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fluid retention, and fever.