Category: D

  • Data mining

    Extracting previously unknown information from existing data using an artificial intelligence computer program which employs statistical and visualization techniques.  

  • Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care in the United States

    The first national study on regional differences in health care delivery. The work is an outgrowth of a number of years of study of regional variations in health care practices by John Wennberg, MD, and his group. Included are data on resources available, including hospital beds and hospital employees; physician specialties; physician practice patterns, such…

  • Dystrophia myotonica

    A type of muscular dystrophy in which the muscle weakness and wasting is accompanied by an unnatural prolongation of the muscular contraction after any voluntary effort. The muscles of the face, temples, and neck are especially wasted. Baldness, endocrine malfunction, and cataracts also occur. The disease can affect both sexes (it is inherited as an…

  • Dyssynergia

    Clumsily uncoordinated movements found in patients with disease of the cerebellum. They include dysmetria (the application of inappropriate force for a movement), intention tremor, ‘dysdiadochokinesis, and a staggering wide-based gait.  

  • Dysmorphophobia

    A fixed distressing belief that one’s body is deformed and repulsive, or an excessive fear that it might be so. Irrational fear of being deformed or the illusion that one is deformed.  

  • Dysidrosis

    Any abnormality sweating or the sweat glands other than excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), diminished sweating (hypohidrosis), or absence of sweating (anidrosis); for example, changes in the color or smell of sweat.  

  • Dysgenesis

    Faulty development; gonadal dysgenesis is failure of the ovaries or teste to develop. Defective or abnormal development, particularly in the embryo.  

  • Dysdiadochokinesis

    Clumsiness in performing rapidly alternating movements. It is often recognized by asking the patient to tap with his fingers on the back of his other hand. It is a sign of disease of the cerebellum.  

  • Dyne

    A unit of force equal to the force required to impart to a mass of 1 gram an acceleration of 1 centimeter per second per second. 1 dyne = 10‾⁵  newton. The force needed for imparting an acceleration of 1 cm per second to a 1-g mass. The measure of force that, when applied to…

  • Dydrogesterone

    A synthetic female sex hormone used to treat menstrual abnormalities (such as dysmenorrhea) and infertility and to prevent miscarriage. It is administered by mouth and may cause mild nausea and breakthrough bleeding. Dydrogesterone, a medication developed from the female hormone progesterone, serves as a treatment for premenstrual syndrome and specific menstrual difficulties. Women undergoing or…