Category: D

  • Deep pocket

    An individual or institution that has a lot of money. The phrase is frequently used in the context of deciding whom a plaintiff is going to sue for some perceived wrongdoing. Lawyers typically advise their clients that even if they are “legally” right (likely to win), it still only makes economic sense to sue someone…

  • Decentralized services

    Services which are carried out from several locations in an effort to improve efficiency, reduce cost, or both. A given type of service is usually under a single management division in an institution although, when decentralized, it may be under several managements.  

  • Decedent affairs office

    A centralized service in a hospital (sometimes within a pathology department) which is established to help the family of the deceased patient make decisions about autopsy and organ and other anatomy donation on the basis of valid information, and to assist in obtaining autopsies and organ donations.  

  • Debt

    An obligation to pay, whether in cash, services, in goods.  

  • Debenture

    A bond or long-term loan (more than one year) that is not secured by a mortgage on specific property.  

  • Death with Dignity

    A movement supporting an individual’s right to be allowed to die without the use of “heroic measures”. Death that is allowed to occur in accordance with the wishes of a patient. An individual may choose to withdraw from chronic medical therapies (e.g., when there is little expectation of cure). Patients who choose death rather than…

  • Death spiral

    The practice of steeply raising premiums for individual or small group health insurance as the beneficiary becomes sicker and incurs increasing health care costs. This eventually makes the insurance unaffordable, and the beneficiary loses coverage just when it is most needed. This practice is being challenged as a form of “prohibited discrimination.”  

  • Deal breakers

    Issues arising, during negotiations toward an agreement, which are absolutely unacceptable to one of the parties. For example, permitting or prohibiting abortions in a facility may prevent a merger between hospitals with different philosophies.  

  • Day care

    Care, provided by an institution, which does not include an overnight stay; patients reside at night at home or in some other facility. The supervision of dependents during working hours. The goals of day care are to provide adequate, affordable care for young children or dependent adults. especially while employed caregivers are at work.  

  • Data processing department

    The department responsible for providing whatever computer services the hospital provides “in house.” Its services are often confined to administrative tasks (such as accounting, personnel, medical records, laboratory reporting, and clinic scheduling), with research computer applications handled in some other manner. This department is often run by a person known as the Manager of Information…