Category: D

  • Disorders of nose

    Certain skin diseases particularly chilblain, acne, lupus and erysipelas tend to affect the nose, and may be very annoying. Redness of the skin may be caused by poor circulation in cold weather.  

  • Diseases of kidneys

    Diseases affecting the kidneys can be broadly classified into congenital and genetic disorders; autoimmune disorders; malfunctions caused by impaired blood supply; infections; metabolic disorders; and tumours of the kidney. Outside factors may cause functional disturbances for example, obstruction in the urinary tract preventing normal urinary flow may result in hydronephrosis, and the crush syndrome, which…

  • Diseases of joint

    ‘Rheumatism’ is the colloquial term for nonspecific musculoskeletal symptoms arising in the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. ‘Arthritis’ describes a pathological musculoskeletal disorder. Most common are sprains of ligaments, strains of tendons and muscles, bursitis, tendinitis and non-specific back pain.  

  • Diseases of intestine

    The principal signs of trouble having its origin in the intestine consist of pain somewhere about the abdomen, sometimes vomiting, and irregular bowel movements: constipation, diarrhoea or alternating bouts of these.  

  • Diseases of heart

    Heart disease can affect any of the structures of the heart and may affect more than one at a time. Heart attack is an imprecise term, and may refer to angina pectoris (a symptom of pain originating in the heart) or to coronary artery thrombosis, also called myocardial infarction. Any pathological condition of the coronary…

  • Diseases of gall bladder

    The gall-bladder rests on the underside of the liver and joins the common hepatic duct via the cystic duct to form the common bile duct It acts as a reservoir and concentrator of bile, alterations in the composition of which may result in the formation of gall-stones, the most common disease of the gall-bladder.  

  • Diseases of ear

    Diseases may affect the ear alone or as part of a more generalised condition. The disease may affect the outer, middle or inner ear or a combination of these.  

  • Duodenal ileus

    Dilatation of the duodenum due to its chronic obstruction, caused by an abnormal position of arteries in the region of the duodenum pressing on it.  

  • Drugs in pregnancy

    Drugs should be avoided during pregnancy unless essential because of possible adverse effect on the fetus. Drugs may pass through the placenta and cause harm, as the enzyme systems responsible for their degradation are undeveloped in the fetus. While many drugs are harmless, examples of problems include warfarin, which may induce fetal and placental haemorrhage,…

  • Drug metabolism

    A process by which the body destroys and excretes drugs, so limiting their duration of action. Phase 1 metabolism consists of transformation by oxidation, reduction, or hydrolysis. In phase 2 this transformed product is conjugated (joined up) with another molecule to produce a water-soluble product which is easier to excrete.