Category: D

  • Deglutition apnea

    Cessation of breathing while swallowing.  

  • Death anxiety

    The apprehension, worry, or fear related to death or dying.  

  • Duodenal antrum

    The duodenal cap; a dilatation of the duodenum near the pylorus. It is seen during digestion.  

  • Direct antiglobulin test

    A laboratory test for the presence of complement or an antibody that is bound to a patient’s red blood cells. The test is used in patients with autoimmune hemolytic anma, hemolytic disease of the newborn, and transfusion reactions. After the patient’s RBCs are washed to remove unbound antibodies, they are mixed with antihuman globulin serum…

  • Direct fluorescent antibody

    A fluorescent antibody test performed on sputum to detect microorganisms that invade the respiratory tract (e.g., legionella, mycoplasma, or anthrax).  

  • Dental antagonist

    The tooth in the opposite arch against which a tooth occludes.  

  • Dental ankylosis

    A condition marked by the loss of tooth movement due to the fusion of the root cementum with the adjacent alveolar bone.  

  • Dissociative anesthesia

    A type of anesthesia marked by catalepsy, amnesia, and marked analgesia. The patient experiences a strong feeling of dissociation from the environment.  

  • Deficiency anemia

    Condition resulting from lack of an essential ingredient, such as iron or vitamins, in the diet or the inability of the intestine to absorb them.  

  • Developmental anatomy

    The study of the development of an organism’s body structures from the moment of fertilization of the egg, through the embryonic period, the fetal period, birth, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.