Category: D

  • Demigauntlet bandage

    A bandage that covers the hand but leaves the fingers uncovered.  

  • Defense attitude

    Position automatically assumed to avert pain.  

  • Denervation atrophy

    Muscular wasting caused by inhibition of a motor nerve.  

  • Duodenal atresia

    Congenital closure of a portion of the duodenum. When the duodenum, which corresponds to the upper portion of the small intestine, experiences closure or blockage, it can lead to a condition known as duodenal obstruction. This obstruction hampers the normal flow of food and digestive juices through the digestive system, potentially causing discomfort and hindering…

  • Dental aspirator

    An aspirator that suctions water, saliva, blood, or tissue debris from the oral cavity.  

  • Dominant artery

    In cardiology, the coronary artery that supplies the major posterior descending artery (PDA) of the heart. The coronary circulation is said to be “right dominant” when the PDA receives its blood flow from the right coronary artery, and “left dominant” when its flow comes from the circumflex artery.  

  • Dental arch

    The arch formed by the alveolar process and teeth in each jaw (maxillary and mandibular arch).  

  • Deep palmar arch

    An arch formed in the palm by the communicating branch of the ulnar and the radial artery.  

  • Deep crural arch

    A band of fibers arching in front of the sheath of femoral vessels; the downward extension of the transversalis fascia.  

  • Dressing apraxia

    Inability to dress due to patient’s deficient knowledge of the spatial relations of his or her body.