Category: D
Decubitus projection
A radiographic procedure, using the decubitus positions and the central ray of the x-ray beam placed horizontally, which aids in the demonstration of air-fluid levels.
A state of general feebleness and decline that sometimes accompanies old age; weakness; infirmity.
The period in the course of a febrile disease when the fever subsides.
Decorticate posture
The characteristic posture of a patient with a lesion at or above the upper brainstem. The patient is rigidly still with arms flexed, fists clenched, and legs extended.
Decorin-binding protein
One of two antigens released by Borrelia burgdorferi (the spirochete that causes Lyme disease). The antigen may be useful as a target for Lyme disease vaccination.
A small proteoglycan that opposes the actions of transforming growth factor beta in connective tissues, especially in the response to inflammation, injury, or scarring.
Decompression illness
Aeroembolism due to an excessively rapid ascent to the surface by a deep-sea diver.
To pass from a state of stress to tranquillity.
Double decomposition
A chemical change in which the molecules of two interacting compounds exchange a portion of their constituents.
Bacteria and fungi that degrade dead organic matter to simple organic and inorganic molecules.