Category: D
Diagonal conjugate diameter of pelvis
The distance from the upper part of the symphysis pubis to the most distant part of the brim of the pelvis.
The distance from any point on the periphery of a surface, body, or space to the opposite point. The distance measured along a straight line that goes through the center of a circle, shape, or body and connects points on opposite sides of its perimeter, such as the diameter of the pelvis.
Belonging to or resembling the process of dialysis.
Dialysis technician
A technician who operates and maintains an artificial kidney machine following approved methods to provide dialysis treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Dialysis disequilibrium
A disturbance in which nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, headache, and seizures occur shortly after the patient begins hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. The cause is related to the rapid correction of metabolic abnormalities in the uremic patient.
Dialysis acidosis
Metabolic acidosis due to prolonged hemodialysis in which the pH of the dialysis bath has been inadvertently reduced by the action of contaminating bacteria.
Dialysis dose
The percentage by which blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is reduced during renal dialysis. Inadequate BUN reductions have been linked to increases in patient care costs, hospitalizations, and increased risk of death in patients with chronic renal failure.
In renal dialysis, the minute rate of net exchange of a substance between blood and dialysis fluid per unit of blood-bath concentration gradient.
Dial pack
A circular medication packaging design that requires the user to access a dose of medication by turning its packaging to a numbered or lettered notch. This form of packaging is often used to dispense oral contraceptive pills, which must be taken on specific days of the month to be effective.
A graduated circular face, similar to a clock face, on which some measurement is indicated by a pointer that moves as the entity being measured (pressure, temperature, or heat) changes.