Category: C

  • Colleter


    Multicellular glandular hair-like structure found associated with petioles, stipules and sepals.  

  • Collecting hairs

    (For example, in Compositae/Asteraceae) hairs on the style that collect pollen that is discharged from the anthers.  

  • Collateral

    Cotyledons equal in seed (as opposed to superposed); Bud lateral to axillary bud; (Of seeds in Annonaceae) side by side. A small side branch of a blood vessel or nerve.  

  • Collar


    In general, an encircling band; The part of the plant on the boundary of underground parts and above-ground parts; Free portion of floral tube, above the casing and below the neck; Junction between sheath and blade of a leaf.  

  • Coleorhiza


    In grasses, sheath that protects the embryonic root or radicle.  

  • Coleoptile

    In monocotyledons, the sheath that protects the emerging shoot while it grows through the soil.  

  • Coiled


    Rolled up, like a spring, upon itself.  

  • Cohort


    A group of individuals produced from one parent by vegetative reproduction. In epidemiology, a group of persons who have characteristics in common and are studied prospectively. A group of people sharing a particular characteristic such as age or gender who are studied in a scientific or medical investigation. A selected group of people born during…

  • Coherent, cohering

    Attached to each other (among similar organs). Growing together from first to last, i. e., their whole length. Sticking together, as parts of bodies or fluids.  

  • Coeval

    Of or belonging to the same age or generation.