Category: C

  • Constricted

    (Abruptly) narrowed. To make a passage narrower.  

  • Conspicuous


    Standing out, clear, remarkable.  

  • Conspecific

    Belonging to the same species.  

  • Conserved, (nomen conservandum, nom. cons.)

    (In nomenclature) a name, the use of which is officially permitted despite its contravention of one or more articles of the I.C.B.N. A term used to describe a domain (region) of a molecule on the surface of a rapidly mutating microorganism (e.g., the AIDS virus) that remains the same in all, or most, variations of…

  • Conoidal

    Somewhat cone-shaped.  

  • Conoid


  • Conocarpium

    A multiple fruit, of many fruits on a common receptacle, as in a strawberry.  

  • Connivent


    Two or more parts that are separated at the base but come together (but are not fused) distally. Brought close together.  

  • Connective

    The part of a stamen between and connecting the anther cells, distinct from the filament; sometimes called the filament extension between the thecae. That portion of the anther that connects its cells. Connecting or binding together, as connective tissue.  

  • Connate


    United, used when structures or organs of the same kind are joined margin to margin (e.g. connate petals); (Of leaves) where a pair are united at base. Fused or united with other surfaces of the same type (as opposed to adnate).