Category: C

  • Corpusculum

    Organ linking translator arms (and pollinia) in a pollinarium (derived subfamilies of Apocynaceae, Orchidaceae).  

  • Coroniform


  • Corona


    A series of appendages on the corolla or on the back of the stamens, or at the junction of the corolla tube and the corolla lobes; often united in a ring (e.g. in Passifloraceae); A crown-shaped pappus (in some Compositae/Asteraceae). A set of petal-like structures or appendages between the corolla and the androecium (male element…

  • Corolla


    The second whorl of floral organs, inside or above the calyx and outside the stamens, consisting of free petals or of a joined tube and petal lobes. Consists of petals or a corolla tube and corolla lobes. The ring of petals in a flower, usually the most conspicuous part of the flower. The part of…

  • Cornute

    Horned, spurred.  

  • Corniculate

    Bearing one or more little horn(s). Bears a small horn-like protuberance, as in the milkweed flower. Bearing a small horn-shaped appendage. Containing small horn-shaped projections.  

  • Corneous

    With a horny texture.  

  • Cormlet


    Diminutive of corm, a solid, bulb-like stem, usually underground. A small corm that grows from around the base of a corm, usually in fair numbers and used for propagation. A small corm that grows from around the base of a corm, often numerous and able to be used for propagation.  

  • Cormel


    A new corm produced from a parent corm.  

  • Corm


    Short underground swollen stem, a storage stem. Bulblike, underground storage organ formed by a swollen stem base. Swollen, usually spherical or rounded underground stem, capable of producing a new plant. Modified underground stem base, fleshy and globose, bearing scaly leaves and bulbs. The fleshy, bulblike, solid base of a stem, often rising out of a…