Category: C
Organ linking translator arms (and pollinia) in a pollinarium (derived subfamilies of Apocynaceae, Orchidaceae).
A series of appendages on the corolla or on the back of the stamens, or at the junction of the corolla tube and the corolla lobes; often united in a ring (e.g. in Passifloraceae); A crown-shaped pappus (in some Compositae/Asteraceae). A set of petal-like structures or appendages between the corolla and the androecium (male element…
The second whorl of floral organs, inside or above the calyx and outside the stamens, consisting of free petals or of a joined tube and petal lobes. Consists of petals or a corolla tube and corolla lobes. The ring of petals in a flower, usually the most conspicuous part of the flower. The part of…
Horned, spurred.
Bearing one or more little horn(s). Bears a small horn-like protuberance, as in the milkweed flower. Bearing a small horn-shaped appendage. Containing small horn-shaped projections.
With a horny texture.
Diminutive of corm, a solid, bulb-like stem, usually underground. A small corm that grows from around the base of a corm, usually in fair numbers and used for propagation. A small corm that grows from around the base of a corm, often numerous and able to be used for propagation.
A new corm produced from a parent corm.
Short underground swollen stem, a storage stem. Bulblike, underground storage organ formed by a swollen stem base. Swollen, usually spherical or rounded underground stem, capable of producing a new plant. Modified underground stem base, fleshy and globose, bearing scaly leaves and bulbs. The fleshy, bulblike, solid base of a stem, often rising out of a…