Category: C
The soiling or pollution by inferior material, as by the introduction of organisms into a wound, or sewage into a stream. The presence of pathogens or nonpathogens on inanimate objects, decontamination. The action of contaminating something, or the state of being contaminated. Inclusion, intentionally or accidentally, of unwanted substances or factors; pollution. The act of…
The act of constricting. A narrowing of the caliber: for example, in arteries and arterioles due to contraction of smooth muscle cells. This constriction elevates blood pressure. Binding or contraction of a part. The process of becoming narrow, or the state of being narrow. Narrowing, squeezing, or tightening. The binding or squeezing of a part.…
Affecting the whole constitution of the body; not local. Pertaining to the constitution. Homeopathic term relating to the physical and mental constitution of a person including hereditary factors and underliving health issues. The assembling of citizens or delegates for the purpose of writing or revising a constitution. Referring to a person’s constitution.
Sense of awareness of self and of the environment. A state of being aware, conscious. The state of being mentally alert and knowing what is happening. The knowledge or awareness of what is happening around oneself. A person in a state of consciousness is cognizant of external stimuli, sensations (especially visual and auditory), and feelings.…
Connective Tissue Cells
A group of cells that includes fibroblasts, cartilage cells, adipocytes, smooth muscle cells, and bone cells.
The act of joining together or the state of being conjugated. A sexual process seen in bacteria, ciliate protozoa, and certain fungi in which nuclear material is exchanged during the temporary fusion of two cells (conjugants). In bacterial genetics a form of sexual reproduction in which a donor bacterium (male) contributes some, or all, of…
Acting or operating as if joined; simultaneous. Coupled in single pairs. A measurement of space in a woman’s pelvis, used to calculate if it is large enough for a child to be delivered.
Displacement, subluxation, or malposition of the crystalline lens.
Accompanying; accessory; joined with another. In homeopathy a symptom coming at the same time but not directly related to the main complaint.
The onset of pregnancy, marked by implantation of the blastocyst; the formation of a viable zygote. Fertilization of an ovum by a sperm cell. In relation to pregnancy, the act of fertilization, in which the sperm enters the egg (ovum) and forms a zygote. Attempts to avert conception are often called contraception, family planning, or…