Category: C

  • Cases treated

    The number of patients cared for by a health program during a year. Inpatient discharges and outpatient visits can be combined into an aggregate weighted index of hospital output.  

  • Case-mix

    The diagnosis-specific makeup of a health program’s workload. Case-mix directly influences the length of stays in, and intensity, cost and scope of the services provided by a hospital or other health program. The mix of cases, defined by age, sex, diagnoses, treatments, severity of illness, and so on, handled by a practitioner or hospital. Case…

  • Capital expenditure review

    Review of proposed capital expenditures of hospitals and or other health facilities to determine the need for, and appropriateness of, the proposed expenditures. The review is done by a designated regulatory agency such as a State health planning and development agency and has a sanction attached which prevents or discourages unneeded expenditures.  

  • Capital depreciation

    The decline in value of capital assets (assets of a permanent or fixed nature, goods and plant) over time with use. The rate and amount of depreciation is calculated by a variety of different methods (e.g., straight line, sum of the digits, declining balance) which often give quite different results. Reimbursement of health services usually…

  • Capital

    Fixed or durable non-labor inputs or factors used in the production of goods and services, the value of such factors, or money specifically available for their acquisition or development. This includes, for example, the buildings, beds, and equipment used in the provision of hospital services. Capital goods are usually thought of as permanent and durable…

  • Conventional antipsychotic medications

    A group of older antipsychotic drugs also referred to as neuroleptics, such as Thorazine (chlorpromazine) and Haldol (haloperidol), that work principally by blocking dopamine receptors in the brain. These medications have some potential adverse side effects such as parkinsonian symptoms (muscle stiffness, rigidity, slowed gait, and tremor) and tardive dyskinesia (involuntary lip smacking, tongue movements,…

  • Clorazepate dipotassium

    A benzodiazepine used to treat various anxiety disorders. The generic name for Tranxene.  

  • Galactostasia

    Cessation of milk secretion.  

  • Dyschylia

    Disorder of chyle, the fat emulsion carried by lymph.  

  • Cystostaxis

    Oozing of blood from bladder lining.