Category: C
Cow’s milk allergy
An immunologic response to milk consumption. Cow’s milk contains 30-35 g protein per liter. The main antigens are β-lactoglobulin, casein, α-lactalbumin, serum lactalbumin, and the immunoglobulins. β-Lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin are referred to as the whey proteins. Casein and β-lactoglobulin are the most heat-resistant. Cow’s milk allergy is most frequently seen in babies. In 10% of…
A plasmid into which the DNA sequences from bacteriophage lambda that are necessary for the packaging of DNA (cos sites) have been inserted; this permits the plasmid DNA to be packaged in vitro.
Coronary artery bypass graft
A common type of cardiac surgery involving the use of the leg’s saphenous vein or the internal mammary artery to bypass blockages in one or more coronary arteries. A surgical procedure to transplant a blood vessel or blood vessels to the patient’s heart so as to carry blood for the heart muscle around (bypass) portions…
Coronary arteriography
The openness of the coronary vasculature is evaluated using an infused radiopaque dye and X-ray pictures. An X-ray study of the coronary arteries after injection of contrast medium through a catheter.
Cori disease
Glycogen storage disease, type III, an inherited disease where a mutation has occurred in the gene for the glycogen debranching enzyme (amylo 1,6 glucosidase). It is characterized by excess stored branched glycogen.
Cori cycle
A cycle which occurs between the red blood cell, kidneys, muscle, platelets, and the liver and which helps maintain a normal blood glucose level in the face of changes in lactate production. Cori cycle activity is particularly important during exercise as the working muscle is unable to oxidize all the lactate it produces. The muscle…
Coenzyme Q
Coenzyme Q also called ubiquinone, is a carrier of hydrogen ions and electrons in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. It transfers electrons between the flavoproteins and the cytochromes. It is nonpolar and can diffuse through the mitochondrial membrane. It is the only component of the respiratory chain that is not fixed. All the other components…
Copra is ground coconut meal from which coconut oil is extracted. Coconut oil is rich in medium- chain saturated fatty acids but does not contain the essential fatty acids. It is one of the group of fats called tropical oils. While solid at 70°F they are liquid at 85°F.
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (insulin pump)
Provision of insulin 24 hours daily via a small pump worn by an individual that contains a needle attached under the skin.
Contamination of food
Contamination of food with inorganic contaminants, including the corresponding organometallic complexes. The most important contaminants are mercury, cadmium, and lead. The major types of food involved are cereal grains (bread, flour), meats (beef, pork, beef liver, canned meats, sausages), fish (canned salmon, shellfish, whitefish), dairy products (milk, cheese, butter), fruits, vegetables (fresh and canned), eggs…