Category: C

  • Creative child

    A child with unusual talent in artistic areas or, more widely, a child who thinks originally and innovatively in any area.  

  • Core course

    A course that is part of a school’s core curriculum, which all students in the regular program must take.  

  • Cooperative

    A type of preschool or nursery school in which parents supply much or all of the staffing and assistance, sometimes managing and financing the entire operation.  

  • Converted score

    A test score that reflects a comparison with the performance of other people who have taken the test.  

  • Conversation board

    A flat surface that can be used for communication by children who are unable to speak clearly enough to communicate with others, such as children who have orthopedic handicaps affecting their speech apparatus and who are not able to write. For young children who have not yet learned to read, a set of standardized symbols…

  • Controlled reading

    An approach to teaching reading in which the student’s reading speed and the level and the content of the material are carefully paced to maximize the student’s learning.  

  • Controlled choice

    A type of program involving schools of choice, in which some guidelines are built in so that the schools will not become unbalanced, racially or otherwise.  

  • Controllable disease

    An illness or disorder that has no cure but that can be treated with medicines, physical therapy, and a wide variety of other treatments so as to hold the disease’s symptoms in check. Among common diseases that are controllable with modern technology are diabetes mellitus and phenylketonuria.  

  • Content analysis

    A type of word-attack skill necessary for effective, independent reading.  

  • Contact lenses

    Specially ground lenses placed over the cornea of the eye to correct various vision defects. Small, thin, plastic disks shaped to correct visual defects and designed to be worn on the surface of the cornea (the clear outer covering on the front of the eye) over the iris and pupil. Contact lenses float on the…