Category: C
Contract service
A service purchased from a person or another organization. If a hospital does not operate its own laundry or laboratory, for example, these may be obtained as contract services. Similarly, the physician services for an emergency department may be obtained by contract with an organization set up to furnish such services.
Continuity of care
The degree to which the care of a patient from the onset of illness until its completion is continuous, that is, without interruption. Interruptions occur sometimes because the patient does not follow through, sometimes because the system has gaps, often because of lack of facilities or because of financial impediments (absence of benefits, for example,…
Contingent worker
A person who works less than 35 hours a week (or in some usages, less than 12 months a year). Such individuals typically have lower earnings, less job security, and fewer promotions than full-time employees. Contingent workers are often without health insurance.
Consumer health informatics
Making health information directly available to consumers by electronic methods. Includes data banks ready to be installed on one’s own computer, such as reference material from the Mayo Clinic; computer networks; use of voice mail systems any electronic method.
Consumer choice
A reform approach which would get individuals to purchase health insurance by making it mandatory but providing a tax break; the poor would get a tax refund. Companies providing insurance would not get a tax break. Also called the “market-based approach.”
Consultation management
Advice from an expert, given after a study of a situation or problem presented by the individual obtaining the consultation. In the health care field, such consultation often concerns organization, management, strategic planning, personnel policies, and the like.
An alliance between two or more parties to achieve a specific purpose.
Conflict of interest
A situation where a person (or organization) has two separate and distinct duties owed concerning, or interests in, the same thing, and therefore cannot act completely impartially with respect to that thing. It is like one servant trying to serve two masters. For example, a hospital trustee has a legal duty to act in the…
Computer terminal
A mechanical device used by persons to communicate with a computer. It typically has a keyboard and cathode ray tube (CRT) display. The terminal may be directly connected (“hardwired”) to the “host” computer, or may use telephone lines via a modem. Increasingly, personal computers (PCs) are being used as terminals in addition to their other…
Computer modeling
The use of computers to design and test real world structures and processes, relying on the computers’ ability to process vast amounts of data and perform complex mathematical calculations. In AIDS research, for instance, computer modeling could be used to study the effect of the virus on a variety of genetic structures which might be…