Category: C

  • Corynebacterium hofmannii

    Human throat commensal, usually shorter than C. diphtheriae.  

  • Corynebacterium equi

    Species associated with foal pneumonia and other animal diseases, this organism produces red pigment on culture media.  

  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae

    Type species of the genus, and the causative organism of diphtheria, C. diphtheriae excretes a powerful exotoxin. Three types—mitis, intermedius and gravis-occur, differentiated as described under Corynebacteria. Subtypes of each type have been classified by the use of agglutinating sera. The exotoxin produced by all types of C diphtheriae is identical, and antitoxin is produced…

  • Corynebacterium bovis

    Exotoxic species causing infection in cattle and horses.  

  • Corynebacterium acnes

    Small pleomorphic species associated with acne.  

  • Composite media

    Bacteriological culture media indicating a variety of growth effects (such as carbohydrate fermentation, indole production, etc.) on one slope or plate of the medium. Composite media are used particularly in identification of the enterobacteria.  

  • Commensal parasites

    Bacteria or other organisms nourished by a living host, but not normally playing any pathogenic role therein.  

  • Colicine typing

    Classification of strains of a bacterial species by noting their ability to produce colicines active against a battery of ‘indicator’ or ‘passive’ strains. In typing Shigella sonnei (the main application of the test) a grown shigella strain on agar is scraped off, the plate sterihzed by chloroform vapour, and re-seeded with 16 indicator strains of…

  • Colicine

    Antibiotic substances elaborated naturally by organisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family. A colicine may be active against genera other than its own; this is the basis of colicine typing.  

  • Coagulase tests

    The enzyme coagulase is confined to Staphylococcus pyogenes and exists in two forms, ‘bound’ which coagulates the fibrin of plasma quickly and directly and Tree’, which requires other plasma factors to effect coagulation. Either or both forms may be present in a given strain.