Category: C

  • Cardiac enzyme test

    Battery of blood tests performed to determine the presence of cardiac damage by detecting the level of heart muscle enzymes.  

  • Cardarelli’s sign

    Pulsating, lateral movement of the trachea to one side. It may be present with thoracic aortic aneurysm.  

  • Cancellous tissue

    Spongy or lattice-like bone formation located in the epiphyses of developing bone. Spongy bone with many marrow cavities. It is present at the ends of long bones and in the interior of most flat bones.    

  • Calve-perthes disease

    A self- limiting condition occurring in children between the ages of 2 and 12 years in which there is a necrosis of the ossification centers of bone followed by regeneration and recalcification. A narrow or tubular channel.  

  • Calix

    A cup-shaped structure within an organ, such as the kidney.  

  • Calculogenesis

    Formation of a stone in an organ or blood vessel.  

  • Cytology

    Science of cells, their development and functions. The branch of biology that is concerned with the formation, origin, structure, function, activities, and pathology of cells. The study of the structure and function of cells. The examination of cells under a microscope is used in the diagnosis of various diseases, e.g. cancer. The science that deals…

  • Cytogenesis

    Developmental process in cell formation.  

  • Cyclopia

    Developmental abnormality in which there is only one eye. The condition of having a single eye.  

  • Cyanide poisoning

    Poisoning from the ingestion or inhalation of cyanide (found in bitter almond oil and wild cherry syrup; common in smoke from fires and as an industrial chemical); causes rapid heart rate, drowsiness, convulsions, and frequently death within 15 minutes. Treatment involves oxygen and a specific group of antidotes. Cyanide inhibits cellular respiration by binding rapidly…