Category: C

  • Centralline

    A venous access device inserted into the subclavian vein, used to infuse medications, fluids, and other agents as well as to measure venous pressure.  

  • Central fissure

    A central landmark depression on the surface of the liver.  

  • Celiac trunk

    Part of the abdominal aorta from which arteries arise to take blood to the stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Movement or growth of cells from their usual location by means of unusual growth; often used to describe inflammation and some malignant neoplasms. The trunk arising from the abdominal aorta. Most of the blood…

  • Cecocolopexy

    Surgical fixation of the colon and the cecum.  

  • Cavitis

    Inflammation of the vena cava.  

  • Caudal flexure

    Bent section of the lumbosacral region of an embryo.  

  • Cauda equina syndrome

    Compression of nerve roots of the sacral and coccygeal nerves resulting in numbness in the buttocks, genitalia, or thigh along with disturbed bowel and bladder function. A rare but severe neurologic disorder caused by compression of the cauda equina (a group of nerve roots at the end of the spinal cord). Possible causes could include…

  • Categorical imperative

    Concept that states that clinicians should act only if the action is based on a principle that is universal.  

  • Cartilage transplantation

    Surgical procedure that is an alternative to a total knee replacement; used to treat middle-aged adults with degenerative joint disease of the knee to delay the need for total knee replacement surgery.  

  • Carpoptosis

    Damage to the muscles or nerves of the wrist that cause the wrist to be unable to extend.