Category: C
Cherry hemangioma
Type of birthmark with raised, round tissue comprised of a network of blood vessels.
Cervical polyp
Abnormal growth extending from membrane of the cervix uteri. Grapelike growths of tissue that may protrude from the opening of the cervix. Cervical polyps are very common and can appear as either a single polyp or a cluster of polyps. Sometimes cervical polyps occur as a result of injury. As the cervical tissue heals, new…
Ceruminous glands
Glands that secrete cerumen or earwax. One of the modified sweat glands in the skin lining the external auditory canal that secrete cerumen. Glands in the external auditory canal that secrete cerumen.
Cerebral ventricles
The four cavities within the cerebrum containing cerebrospinal fluid.
Cerebral perfusion pressure
Force needed to ensure that adequate oxygen and nutrients are delivered to tissues.
Cerebral edema
Presence of increased intracranial and extracellular fluid in the white matter of the brain. In the intricate workings of our cerebral realm, a fascinating phenomenon unfurls—a dance of water permeation into the delicate confines of brain cells, inducing a mesmerizing swelling effect. This captivating process, known as cellular edema, wields its disruptive influence, perturbing the…
Inflammation of the cerebellum.
Cephalic vein
A superficial blood vessel that returns blood from the dorsal and palmar surfaces of the forearm to the subclavian vein. A vein that drains blood from the superficial arm and forearm and merges with the brachial vein in the upper arm to form the axillary vein.
Cephalic duct
Channel that drains lymph from the upper chest and neck.
Toward or in the direction of the head.