Category: C

  • Conjunctivitis bacterial

    Inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane of the anterior eyeball from bacterial infection; commonly referred to as “pinkeye”.  

  • Conjugate gaze

    Both eyes move together as a unit. The paired movements of the eyes as they track moving objects.  

  • Cone cells

    Cells in the retina of the eye that are sensitive only to color; there are three types of cones: those that respond to red light, those that respond to green light, and those that respond to blue light. A cell in the retina whose scleral end forms a cone that serves as a light receptor.…

  • Condyloma acuminatum

    Genital wart due to sexually transmitted disease; plural is condyloma acuminata. A sexually transmitted viral infection that is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and produces genital warts (also known as venereal warts). Condyloma acuminatum is currently one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases among men and women living in the United States. The…

  • Condyloid joints

    Articular surfaces in which the oval surface of one bone fits into the elliptical surface of another. A joint permitting all forms of angular movement except axial rotation.  

  • Conductive keratoplasty

    Surgical procedure to correct farsightedness using heat to shrink tissues around the edge of the cornea to resolve the refractive error. A medical procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to heat and reshape the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, and thereby correct hyperopia (farsightedness). Conductive keratoplasty (CK) is considered innovative because it is…

  • Conduction system

    The electrical system of the heart consisting of specialized muscle cells in the right atrium that initiate electrical impulses that spread throughout the heart, causing it to contract.  

  • Condom catheter

    An externally applied urinary collection device applied directly to the penis for the management of urinary incontinence. A specially designed condom that includes a collection tube attached to the distal end. The tubing carries urine to a collecting bag. Its use prevents men with urinary incontinence from soiling clothes or bed linens. A tube connected…

  • Compression fracture

    A bone break, especially in a short bone, that disrupts osseous tissue and collapses the affected bone. A break in a vertebra, or bone of the spine, caused by a collapse of the bone tissue in one or more vertebrae. The symptoms of a compression fracture depend on the area of the back affected. If…

  • Colpoperineoplasty

    Surgical reconstruction of the vagina and perineum.