Category: C

  • Coliform bacteria infection

    An infection with bacteria that normally inhibit the colon (large intestine), especially Escherichia coli and members of the Enterobacter-Klebsiella group. It may be secondary to infection elsewhere in the body or may be transmitted by transfusion of contaminated blood.  

  • Cold stimulation test

    A test done to diagnose Raynaud’s disease, a circulatory disease of the fingers and, sometimes, the toes, found more frequently in people who smoke.  

  • Cold agglutinins

    Agglutinins that act only at low temperatures; present in the blood of patients with atypical pneumonia. Using the agglutination process, a distinction may be made between Mycoplasma and virus pneumonia. An antibody in the serum of patients with certain diseases that causes the agglutination of erythrocytes (usually from sheep) at low temperatures by the serum…

  • Coccidioidomycosis antibodies

    Antibodies that are found in the blood of patients with coccidioidomycosis, a fungus infection that affects the respiratory tract and occasionally other parts of the body such as skin, bone, and central nervous system.  

  • Coagulation tests

    Tests performed on whole blood, plasma, or serum to determine the blood’s capacity to clot. Abnormal results indicate coagulation defects owing to disease or medication.  

  • Clostridial gas gangrene

    A condition in which wound infection by Clostridium bacteria leads to the production of gas and toxins that destroy tissue.  

  • Chronic respiratory failure

    Long-term inability of the lungs to function normally, caused by a variety of diseases. Chronic inability of the respiratory system to maintain the function of oxygenating blood and remove carbon dioxide from the lungs. Many diseases can cause chronic pulmonary insufficiency, including asthmatic airway obstruction, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis; and chronic pulmonary interstitial…

  • Chronic renal insufficiency

    A form of kidney dysfunction in which certain waste products are not properly excreted by the body. If this condition persists, accumulation of waste products in the blood will upset fluid and electrolyte balance and lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and decreased mental alertness.  

  • Chronic renal failure

    A progressive condition in which the kidneys lose their ability to filter waste from the bloodstream. Alternate means of removing these wastes, such as hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or kidney transplant, must be found in order for the affected person to survive. The gradual decline in kidney function over the course of multiple years, which may…

  • Chronic persistent hepatitis

    Inflammation of the liver that persists over long periods of time.