Category: C
A procedure used in the treatment of herniated disks. In chemonucleolysis, a chemolytic agent, such as the enzyme chymopapain, is injected into a disk to dissolve the nucleus pulposus at the center of the disk. Chemonucleolysis has fallen out of favor because of inconsistent results and side effects. A method of dissolving a herniated nucleus…
Chakra balancing
A method of self-healing based on the belief that life-force energy transmitted by energy centers called chakras can be harnessed through visualization, meditation, and controlled breathing. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel of light.” Chakra balancing depends on seven main chakras thought to be connected to, or part of, the body. Each…
Catheter-related infections
Infectious complications associated with the use of catheters. Catheter-related infections are considered nosocomial infections, which means they are acquired while a person is hospitalized. When a catheter is inserted into the body to drain fluids or perform other medical procedures, microbes present on the catheter may be introduced into the body, producing an infection. Treatment…
Case manager
A professional who is trained to assess, plan, implement, coordinate, and monitor the options and services necessary to meet a person’s health care needs. Case managers work in a variety of situations, including hospitals, health care plans, physicians practices, skilled nursing facilities, and assisted living centers. A healthcare professional who offers support and assistance to…
A muscle relaxant used to relieve the pain of specific muscle injuries. Carisoprodol (Soma) is prescribed for the pain and discomfort associated with sprains, spasms, strains, and other muscle injuries. The medication does not relax muscles directly, but relieves discomfort through a sedative effect that can cause drowsiness and impair a person’s ability to drive.…
Caregiving for older people
Assistance to older adults, ranging from minor help to constant care. Most caregivers are unpaid family members. About three fourths of them are women, and about one fourth of all family-member caregivers are in their 50s and 60s. Infirm older people may require professional care or nursing services. More than half the older people who…
Cardiovascular surgeon
A physician who specializes in operating on the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular surgeons earn a medical degree (MD or DO), then complete 5 t o 6 years of general surgery training, followed by an additional 2 to 3 years of cardiovascular surgical training. They perform such procedures as bypass surgery, heart valve repair, and…
An antimetabolite drug prescribed for breast cancer that has metastasized (spread to other parts of the body). Capecitabine (Xeloda) is used to treat breast and colorectal cancer that has spread despite previous therapy. Capecitabine can be taken by mouth and has fewer side effects than other cancer drugs. It works by interfering with the growth…
Canker sore
A small, painful sore or ulcer that occurs inside the mouth. It is usually surrounded by an area of redness less than 2 inches in diameter. Canker sores commonly first appear when a person is in his or her 20s or 30s. The sores tend to disappear in 1 to 2 weeks. Recurrences are common…
Caliper splint
An orthopedic appliance made of plastic or metal used to support a weakened lower arm or leg. An orthopedic apparatus that rectifies or governs a distorted lower limb or provides assistance to a weakened leg caused by a muscular ailment, granting mobility to an individual affected by such condition to assume an upright position and…