Category: C

  • Chronic active hepatitis

    A continuing inflammation of the liver that damages liver cells. In viral hepatitis, chronic means the virus persists in the blood for 6 months or more. Although severe cases of acute (short-lived) hepatitis can also be serious, chronic active hepatitis is far more likely to cause serious problems. It is more likely to lead to…

  • Cytopathology

    A branch of pathology is concerned with the manifestations of disease in cells. Cytopathology is particularly useful in the diagnosis of precancerous and cancerous diseases. The study of the cellular changes in disease.  

  • Cytopathologist

    A physician who specializes in cytopathology, the Study of disease-related changes within cells. Cytopathologists are usually trained in anatomical pathology (the study of the effects of disease on the structure of the body), and they focus on disease at the cellular level.  

  • Cytologist

    A person who specializes in cytology, the branch of biology that focuses on the formation, origin, structure, function, activities, and pathology of cells. For example, a cytologist may perform a microscopic evaluation of cells on a slide made during a Pap smear to check for signs of a malignant tumor.  

  • Cyclobenzaprine

    A drug that treats pain and stiffness caused by muscle spasms. Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) relaxes muscles, relieving pain and discomfort of strains, sprains, spasms, and other muscle injuries. It may cause drowsiness and should be used with care. A tricyclic antidepressant analog and centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant. It is administered orally to manage acute painful…

  • Cupping

    Technique used in Chinese medicine to increase the flow of qi (“chee”) or energy within the body. Small rounded cups made of glass or bamboo are placed over the person’s acupoints for 5 to 10 minutes to draw blood and qi toward them. A lighted taper is placed inside the cup briefly, then removed; the…

  • Computed tomography scanning;

    Formerly known as CAT (computerized axial tomography) scanning. A diagnostic imaging technique in which multiple projections of X rays (passed through the body from several angles) are analyzed by a computer to produce cross-sectional images of structures. The digital images obtained through CT scanning are more detailed than the images obtained through standard X rays.…

  • Crystal therapy

    A method of healing by placing stones on the body over the chakra points. Crystal, or gem therapy, is an ancient art in which the chakras, or energy centers, are thought to promote the body to heal itself by resonating to the colors or energy states of specific gems, stones, and crystals. Gems and crystals,…

  • Crying in infants

    Crying is a baby’s way of communicating his or her needs. Babies normally cry a lot in the first year of life. Many newborns cry loudly whenever they are awake, frequently for no obvious reason. As babies grow older, wakefulness without crying is more common, and parents become more adept at interpreting the cause of…

  • Crutch palsy

    A condition producing paralysis in the arm because of pressure in the underarm area from improper or overuse of crutches as support and walking aids. This commonly occurs when a person leans his or her entire body weight on the shoulder pads at the tops of the crutches, causing excess pressure on the axillary, or…