Category: C

  • Cephaloglycin

    A semisynthetic antibiotic, given by mouth for the treatment of urinary tract infections. The main side-effects are gastrointestinal irritation and allergy. Cross-sensitivity with the penicillins may occur and cephaloglycin should be used with caution in patients known to be sensitive to these drugs.  

  • Centrencephalic

    Describing discharges that can be recorded synchronously from all parts of the brain. The source of this activity is in the reticular formation of the midbrain. Centrencephalic epilepsy is associated with a congenital predisposition to fits.  

  • Center

    A collection of neurons (nerve cells) whose activities control a particular function. The respiratory and cardiovascular centers, for example, are regions in the lower brainstem that control the movements of respiration and the functioning of the circulatory system, respectively.  

  • Censor

    The mechanism, postulated by Freud, that suppresses or modifies desires that are inappropriate or feared. The censor is usually regarded as being located in the ‘superego but was also described by Freud as being in the ego itself. In psychoanalysis, a psychic inhibition that prevents abhorrent unconscious thoughts or impulses from being expressed objectively in…

  • Cementoblast

    Any of the cells involved in the formation of cementum in a tooth.  

  • Cecostomy

    An operation in which the cecum is brought through the abdominal wall and opened in order to drain or decompress the intestine, usually when the colon is obstructed or injured. Surgical formation of an artificial opening into the cecum. A surgical procedure that creates a connection between the surface of the abdomen and the cecum,…

  • Cavernitis

    Inflammation of the corpora cavernosa of the penis or the corpus cavernosum of the clitoris.  

  • Cation-exchange

    Resins complex insoluble chemical compounds that may be administered with the diet to alter the electrolyte balance of the body in the treatment of heart, kidney, and metabolic disorders. For example, in patients on a strict low-sodium diet such resins combine with sodium in the food so that it cannot be absorbed and passes out…

  • Cathepsin

    One of a group of enzymes found in animal tissues, particularly the spleen, that digest proteins.  

  • Cataphoresia

    The introduction into the tis sues of positively charged ionized substances (cations) by the use of a direct electric current.