Category: C

  • Charley clamps

    Parallel metal rods driven through the ends of two bones that are to be joined to form 2m arthrodesis. The rods are connected on each side of the joint by bolts bearing wing nuts; tightening of the screw arrangements forces the surfaces of the bones together. When the two bones have joined, by growth and…

  • Charity patients

    Hospital patients whose income is not sufficient to meet daily needs for food, housing, clothing, or medical care. Patients who can afford most daily needs except for medical care are often classified as medically indigent, rather than charity (or indigent), patients.  

  • Charcot Leyden crystals

    Fine colorless sharp-pointed crystals seen in the sputum of asthmatics.  

  • Chalicosis

    Pneumoconiosis occurring in stone cutters: a variety of silicosis. The term is not in current use. A disorder of the lungs found among stonecutters, and due to the inhalation of fine particles of stone. Pneumonoconiosis associated with the inhalation of dust produced by stone cutting.  

  • Chaining

    A technique of behavior modification in which a complex skill is taught by being broken down into its separate components, which are gradually built up into the full sequence. Usually the last component in the sequence is taught first, as it is this component that is followed by reinforcement: this is termed backward chaining. A…

  • Cetrimonium

    A detergent disinfectant, used for cleansing skin surfaces and wounds, sterilizing surgical instruments and babies diapers, and in shampoos. There are few adverse reactions from external application; most toxic effects are due to poisoning from ingestion.  

  • Cerebrospinal fever

    A type of meningitis caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis. Bacteria are transmitted by coughing and sneezing: outbreaks occur most commonly in overcrowded conditions and children are more susceptible than adults. After an incubation period of 3-5 days, symptoms appear suddenly, including severe headache, fever, stiffness of the neck muscles, and a rash of small…

  • Cerebration

    The functioning of the brain as a whole.  

  • Cerebral tumor

    An abnormal multiplication of brain cells. This forms a swelling that compresses or destroys the healthy brain cells and, because of the rigid nature of the skull, increases the pressure on the brain tissue. Malignant tumors grow rapidly, spreading through the otherwise normal brain tissue and causing progressive neurological disability. Benign tumors grow slowly and…

  • Cephalothin sodium

    A semisynthetic antibiotic, given by intramuscular or intravenous injection in the treatment of a number of infections.