Category: C

  • Cryesthesia

    Exceptional sensitivity to Iow temperature.  

  • Crude rate

    The total number of events (e.g. cases of lung cancer) expressed as a percentage (or rate per 1000, etc.) of the whole population. When factors such as age structure or sex of populations may seriously affect their rates (as in mortality or morbidity rates) it is more meaningful to compare age/sex specific rates using one…

  • Cresol

    A strong antiseptic effective against many microorganisms and used mostly in soap solutions as a general disinfectant. It is sometimes used in low concentrations as a preservative in injections. Cresol solutions irritate the skin and if taken by mouth are corrosive and cause pain, nausea, and vomiting. An oily liquid obtained from coal tar. It…

  • Credes method

    A technique for expelling the placenta from the womb. Downward pressure is applied to the womb through. the abdominal wall in the direction of the birth canal.  

  • Creatorrhea

    The passage of excessive nitro gen in the feces due to failure of digestion or absorption in the small intestine. It is found particularly in pancreatic failure. The presence of undigested muscle fibers in the feces, seen in some cases of pancreatic disease.  

  • Creatinase

    An enzymes involved in the metabolic breakdown of creatine to creatinine.  

  • Craniostenosis

    Premature closing of the sutures between the cranial bones during development, resulting in deformities of the skull. A contracted skull caused by premature closure of the cranial sutures.  

  • Cranioclasm

    The crushing of the head of the fetus in the womb by means of a special instrument (cranioclast). This may be done in difficult childbirth.  

  • Cover test

    A test used to detect a suppressed strabismus (squint) in children. The child is asked to look fixedly at an object with one eye while the other is kept open but covered by the hand of the observer. The hand is then withdrawn: if the eye that had been covered is seen to move toward…

  • Cover slip

    An extremely thin square or circle of glass used to protect the upper surface of a preparation on a microscope slide.