Category: C
Curschmann’s spirals
Elongated casts of the smaller bronchi, which are coughed up in bronchial asthma. They unroll to a length of 2 cm or more and have a central core ensheathed in mucus and cell debris. Coiled spirals of mucus occasionally seen in sputum of asthma patients.
A genus of large forest-dwelling rodents, the pacas or spotted cavies, found in South and Central America. In Brazil these animals are a natural reservoir of the parasite Leishmania braziliensis, which causes espundia. A burrow in the epidermis made by scabies.
Cuneiform bones
Three bones in the tarsus, the lateral (external), intermediate (middle), and medial (internal) cuneiform bones, that articulate respectively with the first, second, and third metatarsal bones in front. All three bones articulate with the navicular bone behind. One of the bones of the internal, middle, and external tarsus.
Cumulus oophoricus
A cluster of follicle cells that surround a freshly ovulated ovum. By increasing the effective size of the ovum they may assist its entrance into the end of the fallopian tube. They are dispersed at fertilization by the contents of the acrosome.
An area of the upper surface of the cerebellum, anterior to the declive and posterior to the central lobule and separated from them by deep fissures.
An agent that destroys mosquitoes or gnats.
A genus of mosquitoes, worldwide in distribution, of which there are some 600 species. Certain species are important as vectors of filariasis and viral encephalitis. A genus of small to medium-sized mosquitoes of cosmopolitan distribution. Some species are vectors of disease organisms.
Apparent absence of the eyes due to the skin having grown over the eyeballs during embryonic development.
Absence of blood flow when the internal symptoms of menstruation are present. The condition may arise because the hymen at the entrance to the vagina lacks an opening or because of some other obstruction. Monthly subjective symptoms of menses without flow of blood; may be caused by an imperforate hymen.
A chamber in which frozen tissue is sectioned with a microtome.