Category: C
Computer-mediated communications
The generic term for the technology employed by all computer networks, such as CompuServe, America Online (AOL), the Internet, and others.
Computer-Based Patient Record Institute
An organization formed in 1991 to establish routine use of a computer-based patient record (CPR) system in all health care settings. Its formation was recommended in a study by the Institute of Medicine (lOM), The Computer-Based Patient Record, which was published earlier in 1991. The study called for fully-automated medical records in hospitals by the…
Comprehensive health planning agency
An agency established in response to a federal health planning act in 1966, which was later replaced by a group of agencies established under federal legislation passed in 1974. The latter agencies were the health systems agencies (HSAs), state health planning and development agencies, and statewide health coordinating councils (SHCCs).
Comprehensive health care delivery system
A health care delivery system which includes both facilities and professionals, and which is set up to provide comprehensive health care to a defined population.
Composting toilet
A system for handling human wastes and food scraps by composting them without added water, thus producing a safe, rich humus resembling garden soil and a liquid high-nitrogen fertilizer. Among keys to the success of the process are (1) providing properly designed composters which direct air flow over the composting material, (2) using waterless or…
A legal term describing a person whom the law considers capable of making decisions. Competency is relative, and standards of competency vary according to the type of decision to be made. This concept is discussed further under incompetent.
Community resource management
The concept, in health care, that the unit which should be considered in the allocation of resources is the entire community rather than each of its component organizations.
Community mental health service program
An organization set up to provide mental health services to a defined community.
Community Medical Network Society
A nonprofit membership organization founded in 1994 to bring together industries interested in community health information management. Members include providers, purchasers, payors, and physician groups along with vendors and consultants.
Community health services
A term which encompasses preventive procedures, diagnosis, and treatment for residents of a community. It does not imply any organizational structure. A community member who serves as a connector between health care providers and health care consumers. Most of the work is done in the community setting among groups which have traditionally been underserved. The…