Category: C
Coronary angiography
Angiography of the coronary arteries, to determine any pathological obstructions to blood flow to the heart muscle. An X-ray technique used to detect blocked coronary arteries.
Cardiac angiography
Angiography of the heart and coronary arteries. A technique employed to visualize the blood vessels of the heart, involving the insertion of a catheter to administer a dye into the vessels. This dye enables the visualization of the vessels through the use of X-ray imaging.
Cerebral angiogram
An angiogram of blood vessels of the brain.
Cardiac angiogram
An angiogram of the coronary arteries, as well as the cardiac ventricles and valves.
Compound aneurysm
Aneurysm in which some of the layers of the vessel are ruptured and others dilated.
Cerebral aneurysm
Aneurysm of a blood vessel in the brain. Embedded within the vascular tapestry of our intricate cerebral landscape, we encounter a phenomenon of significant import an expansion that befalls a section of a vein or artery wall, manifesting as dilation, bulging, or a wondrous ballooning effect. This captivating occurrence, nestled within the realms of our…
Crossed anesthesia
Anesthesia of the side opposite to the site of a central nervous system lesion.
Closed anesthesia
A method of inhalation anesthesia in which exhaled gases are rebreathed. This requires appropriate treatment of the exhaled gas to absorb the expired carbon dioxide and to replenish the oxygen and the anesthetic.
Central anesthesia
Pathological anesthesia due to a lesion of the central nervous system.
Congenital hypoplastic anemia
A rare but severe normochromic macrocytic anemia of neonates and infants in which vitamin B12 and folate levels are normal or elevated and reticulocytosis is inadequately low.