Category: C
Cross reacting antigen
An antigen having the ability to react with more than one specific antibody.
Carcinoembryonica antigen
A molecular marker found on normal fetal cells and in the bloodstream of patients with cancers of the colon, breast, lung, and other organs. Assays for CEA are used both to monitor the effectiveness of treatments for cancer and to provide prognostic information to patients.
Chemical antidote
An antidote that reacts with the poison to produce a harmless chemical compound. For example, table salt precipitates silver nitrate and forms that much less toxic silver chloride. Chemical antidotes should be used sparingly and, after their use, should be removed from the stomach by gastric lavage because they may produce serious results if allowed…
Cytotoxic antibody
An antibody that lyses cells by binding to a cellular antigen and activating complement or killer cells.
Cross reacting antibody
An antibody that reacts with antigens other than its specific antigen because they contain binding sites that are structurally similar to its specific antigen.
Control animal
In medical research involving the use of animals, an animal that is not treated, but is housed and cared for under the same conditions as the treated animal(s).
Cold blooded animal
An animal whose body temperature varies according to the temperature of the environment.
Craniofacial angle
The angle formed by the basifacial and basicranial axes at the midpoint of the sphenoethmoidal suture.
Costovertebral angle
The angle formed on each side of the trunk by the junction of the last rib with the lumbar vertebrae.
Costophrenic angle
The lateral inferior corner of the pulmonary cavity bordered by the ribs and diaphragm.