Category: C
Covalent bond
Chemical bond formed when atoms share one, two, or three pairs of electrons. This is the type of bond found in organic molecules.
Chronic low blood pressure
A condition in which the systolic blood pressure is consistently less than 100 mm Hg. In the absence of associated disease, low blood pressure is often a predictor of longevity and continued health.
Central blood pressure
Blood pressure in the heart chambers, in a great vein, or close to the heart. If determined in a vein, it is termed central venous pressure; if in the aorta or a similar large artery close to the heart, it is designated central arterial pressure.
Cord blood
The blood present in the umbilical vessels connecting the placenta to the fetus. Because cord blood is immunologically immature, it is especially useful in transfusion therapy and hematological transplantation.
Cholinergic blockade
Inhibition of cholinergic nerve stimuli or cholinergic agents.
Cortical blindness
Blindness due to lesions in the left and right occipital lobes of the brain. The eyes are still able to move and the pupillary light reflexes remain, but the blindness is as if the optic nerves had been severed. The usual cause is occlusion of the posterior cerebral arteries. Transitory cortical blindness may follow head…
Cord bladder
Distention of the bladder without discomfort. Symptoms include a tendency to void frequently and dribbling after urination. The condition is caused by a lesion affecting the posterior roots of the spinal column at the level of bladder innervation above the sacrum.
Cat bite
A wound inflicted by the teeth of a cat; typically a puncture wound on the hand or the arm. A cat bite is usually infected with multiple aerobic and anaerobic organisms, including Pasteurella multocida. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are required. About 20% of the time, the wound does not respond to antibiotic therapy and needs incision and…
Complete birth
The instant of complete separation of the body of the infant from that of the mother, regardless of whether the cord or placenta is detached.
Chest binder
A broad band that encircles the chest and is used for applying heat, dressings, or pressure and for supporting the breasts. Shoulder straps may be used to keep the binder from slipping.