Category: C

  • Capsulotome

    An instrument for incising the capsule of the crystalline lens.  

  • Capsulorrhaphy

    Suture of a joint capsule or of a tear in a capsule.  

  • Capsulorhexis

    A common method of cataract extraction in which a circular incision is made in the anterior capsule to permit lens extraction.  

  • Capsuloplasty

    Plastic surgery of a capsule, especially a joint capsule.  

  • Capsulolenticular

    To the capsule of the eye and the lens.  

  • Capsule endoscopy

    Visualization of the small intestine with an M2A video capsule, a device designed to identify otherwise occult sources of gastrointestinal bleeding.  

  • Cartilage capsule

    The layer of matrix that forms the innermost portion of the wall of a lacuna enclosing a single cell or a group of cartilage cells. It is basophilic.  

  • Capsular pattern

    In a joint, the proportional loss or limitation of passive range of motion that suggests inflammation in that joint (e.g., the capsular pattern of the glenohumeral joint, in order of most restriction, is lateral rotation, abduction, and medial rotation).  

  • Capsula

    A sheath or continuous enclosure around an organ or structure.  

  • Capsicum

    The genus of pepper plants, of which there are more than 200 varieties, including jalapeno and tabasco. The taxonomic designation for a group of plants that produce red fruits commonly known as peppers. A few of these species bear fruits referred to as chilis (a term of Spanish origin derived from an Indian name), which…