Category: B
Brugada syndrome
A rare hereditary syndrome, occasionally autosomal dominant, marked by right bundle branch block, S-T segment elevation in the right precordial leads of the ECG, and a high risk of sudden death from ventricular arrhythmias.
Bruch’s membrane
A glassy membrane of the uvea of the eye, lying between the choroid membrane and the pigmented epithelium of the retina. A membranous layer positioned within the eye, situated between the choroid membrane and the retina.
A protein extract of any species of Brucella. It formerly was used in human skin tests to diagnose brucellosis and is still used for that purpose by veterinarians. Agglutination tests and cultures are now preferred for human testing.
Brown baby syndrome
The dark grayish brown skin color seen in infants undergoing extensive phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia. The condition may last for months but is not known to produce permanent harm.
Surgical incision of a bronchus, the larynx, or the trachea.
The surgical formation of an opening into a bronchus.
Infection of a bronchus and a sinus at the same time.
An abnormal secretion from the bronchial mucous membranes.
The suturing of a bronchial wound.
A bronchial hemorrhage.