Category: B
Bowing fracture
A bending or curving fracture of a bone (usually a forearm bone) as the result of a traumatic load that compresses the bone along its long axis.
Blow up fracture
A fracture of the bony orbit above the eye. It may result in entrapment of the superior rectus muscle with a consequent inability to gaze downward.
Bimalleolar fracture
A fracture of the medical and lateral malleoli of the ankle joint.
Bone forceps
A heavy-duty scissors-like instrument for cutting bone and removing bone fragments.
Bluebottle fly
A fly of the Calliphoridae family that delivers a painful and venomous sting. It breeds in dung or the flesh of dead animals.
Biliary fistula
A fistula through which bile is discharged after a biliary operation.
Base film
A layer of polyester or other suitable material that supports the radiographical film emulsion.
Butyric fermentation
Formation of butyric acid from bacterial action on carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions.
Biological father
The male who contributes the ovum-fertilizing sperm that subsequently becomes a fetus.
Buck’s fascia
The fascial covering of the penis, derived from Colies’ fascia.