Category: B
Basophil granule
A cellular granule that stains with a basic dye.
Bypass graft
A surgical conduit inserted into the vascular system that routes blood around an obstructed vessel.
Buttress graft
A graft used to support another structure or tissue.
Brain graft
An experimental technique in which brain cells are transplanted into the brain.
Biochemical genetics
The study of the impact of genes on enzymes and the cellular reactions they catalyze.
Binary gas
Any gas made of two gaseous components mixed with each other. Some chemical warfare agents are chemically benign when separate, but damaging to living organisms when combined.
Brightness gain
The increase in the intensity of a fluoroscopic image by the use of an image intensifier.
Belsey fundoplication
A surgical procedure for gastroesophageal reflux that relies on a repair of three quarters of the circumference of the gastroesophageal sphincter.
Burst fracture
A burst fracture is similar to a compression fracture but is typically more severe and involves displacement of the bony fragments.
Boxer’s fracture
A fracture of the distal end of the fourth or fifth metacarpal with posterior displacement of the proximal structures.