Category: B
Bulls eye maculopathy
Any form of macular dystrophy in which retinal examination reveals a degenerating round or oval region with pigment loss around the macula. Central, non-correctable visual loss is a characteristic finding.
Bird breeder’s lung
An allergic (hypersensitivity) inflammation of the lung caused by exposure to bird excreta. In some patients the onset is slow rather than acute. Symptoms, which include chills, fever, cough, and shortness of breath, usually subside when exposure to the antigen ceases.
Bicarbonate loading
The ingestion of sodium bicarbonate in an effort to neutralize excessive lactic acid produced in the muscles during exercise or to treat acidosis in chronic renal failure.
Biliary cirrhotic liver
Cirrhosis of the liver caused by fibrous tissue formed, as a result of infection or obstruction of the bile ducts.
Bilateral lithotomy
A lithotomy performed with the incision across the perineum.
Base line
The line from the infraorbital ridge through the middle of the external auditory meatus to midline of occiput.
Broad ligament of uterus
The folds of peritoneum attached to lateral borders of the uterus from insertion of the fallopian tube above to the pelvic wall. They consist of two layers between which are found the remnants of the wolffian ducts, cellular tissues, and the major blood vessels of the pelvis.
Broad ligament of liver
A wide, sickle shaped fold of peritoneum, attached to the lower surface of the diaphragm, the internal surface of the right rectus abdominis muscle, and the convex surface of the liver.
Basophilic leukocytosis
An increase in the basophils in the blood.
Bifocal contact lens
A contact lens that contains two corrections in the same lens.