Category: B
Buckthorn poisoning
Motor paralysis resulting from consumption of the fruit of the buckthorn (a species of Bumelia) that grows in the southeastern U.S.
Brodifacoum poisoning
Poisoning caused by the intentional or unintentional intake of brodifacoum. Brodifacoun, a long-acting derivative of warfarin, is often found in rodenticides.
Brass poisoning
Poisoning due to the inhalation of fumes of zinc and zinc oxide, causing destruction of tissue in the respiratory passage. It is rarely fatal. Symptoms include dryness and burning in respiratory tract, coughing, headache, and chills.
Boric acid poisoning
Intoxication caused by the consumption of or exposure to boric acid.
Back-action plugger
A plugger with a bent shank so that the pressure applied is back toward the operator.
Brachial plexor
A network of the anterior branches of the last four cervical and the first thoracic spinal nerves supplying the arm, forearm, and hand.
Body plethysmography
A body box used to measure lung volume and pressure. A highly delicate examination administered to evaluate potential lung impairments that may elude detection through standard pulmonary function tests. During this procedure, the patient assumes a seated position within a hermetically sealed chamber, wherein a diverse array of apparatuses gauge both the air pressure within…
Bone plate
A flat, round or oval decalcified bone or metal disk, employed in pairs, used in approximation.
Belay plate
A metal, steel, or aluminum plate that has one or more slots in it, designed to weave a rope through, to create friction with a carabiner.
Bipartite placenta
A placenta divided into two separate parts.