Category: B

  • Bechamel sauce

    Bechamel sauce

    A white sauce used on seafood, chicken and meat entrees as well as side dishes. It is prepared by cooking a mixture of flour and butter, called a roux, for only a few minutes by taking care that it does not brown. Bechamel sauce can be easily transformed into Mornay Sauce by the addition of…

  • Bearnaise


    A thick meat or fish hot sauce made of eggs, butter, vinegar, tarragon and seasonings.  

  • Beaded can

    A can which is strengthened by reinforcing ribs or concentric depressions around the body of the can.  

  • Bead

    A rounded depression around the surface of a container or end. Used to stiffen or improve its appearance. A small spherical object, typically made of glass, plastic, or metal. Beads have numerous uses in health care. They are employed in sterilization equipment and in some diagnostic and therapeutic injections.  

  • Bay leaf

    Bay leaf

    Dried leaf of the European Laurel, crushed and used as aromatic flavor for foods. The bay of bay leaf is not related to any of the other bays in English: not to the bay in Hudson Bay, not to the bay in “The hounds will bay all night,” not to the bay in “He held…

  • Baume

    A hydrometer scale used to measure the density of a liquid.  

  • Batura


    A flat, fermented, deep-fried wheat bread.  

  • Batter


    A soft liquid basically of flour and a liquid. A concoction resulting from the amalgamation of desiccated and fluid components, subsequently agitated to a consistency that enables it to be dispensed smoothly. Batter is a thick liquid mixture that serves as the fundamental base for a variety of dishes, typically consisting of flour, milk, and…

  • Baste


    To moisten with liquid while cooking. To moisten or bathe meats in their own savory fluids, aqueous elements, or additional flavoring substances during the culinary process.  

  • Basil


    An aromatic herb of the mint family used in seasoning foods. Basil Rathbone, star of the 1940s Sherlock Holmes movies, took his given name from the same source as basil the herb. Both names derive from the Greek name for the herb, basiliskos, literally meaning the little king, which entered Latin as basilicus before being…